Thursday, March 12, 2009

Sometimes in our world today, we try and try to find a place that fits us perfectly. We think that maybe we are living in the wrong place. Maybe we don’t have the right car, or clothes or personality or friends. Let me tell you something though my friends. We will never fit in on this earth as long as we live if we are living the way we should with Christ.

Christ never fit in with the crowd. He was always different but He never cared about that. He is the Son of God which could never be on the wrong path. He paid the price for us so that we don’t have to fit in, have friends, and be happy to have eternal life.

Christ lived a simple and plain life for all to see. He lived here on this earth to be an example for all of us. That’s the whole reason why He came to this earth. To be our example and to die. He loved us so much, that He came to this sinful planet to be redemption for our sins.

Why do we not try to live this perfect life God has placed in for us? He tries so hard to get us to follow Him. He wants us to follow Him but He gives us a choice. He cannot and will not force us. He is always trying to get our attention but we always seem the ignore Him and go our own ways as if He is nothing. God wants to be our best friend but so many times we don’t want Him to be ours.

When we live our lives and go our own ways, nothing hurts God more than not wanting to be part of His life. God loves us so much, and when he calls us in the morning to come and spend some time with Him, we run away to work and breakfast. When he tries to talk with us in the car, we turn on the radio and listen the jabber they have to say, but we can’t take some time alone in the quiet to talk to God.

Friends, my challenge for you today is to take time out of your day for God. Just as you would take time out for your children, spouse, best friend…try to take some out of your busy schedule for God. I can assure you that if you do, you will see a drastic difference in your life. You will be happier, more energized, and ready to face the day.

Is this you desire? I pray each day that each and every one of us will take time for God and be different than the rest of the world for Jesus Christ!

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